Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship

24 vacancies (master's degree)

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Mestrado em Direito Processual e Cidadania


Legal Status - Master's Degree

Master’s Degree Course recommended by CAPES and accredited according to MEC Ordinance No. 609 dated March 14, 2019, published on the Fed. Off. Gazette No. 52 - Section 1, pages 63 and 97 on March 18, 2019.

The Academic Master’s Degree Course in Procedural Law and Citizenship is recommended by CAPES and accredited according to MEC Ordinance No. 609, dated March 14, 2019, published on the Fed. Off. Gazette No. 52 – Section 1, p. 63-97 on March 18, 2019. The Master’s Degree course is part of the set of formative processes at Universidade Paranaense, of a progressive implementation, aiming at the improvement of Law, whether at an institutional scope or at its means, being articulated with the undergraduate and graduate courses in their lato sensus, intended at the training of professors and specialists in Law. The course activities are currently concentrated at UNIPAR Post-graduation Sector, at the Umuarama Main Campus. The didactic activities of the course take place on Fridays and Saturdays.


Discounts Offered

  • Unipar Graduates - 25% (Graduate or Postgraduate)
  • Graduates from other institutions - 15% (Graduate or Postgraduate)


Celso Hiroshi Iocohama

Celso Hiroshi Iocohama

Coordenação Pró-Tempore


The Regulation of the Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship was defined by the Course’s Collegiate, referenced by the Post-Graduation Coordination (Coordenação de Pós-Graduação - COPG) and approved by the Higher Council of Education, Research and Extension at Universidade Paranaense (Conselho Superior de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão da Universidade Paranaense - CONSEPE).

Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship

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