Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship

24 vacancies (master's degree)

Research Lines

The Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship has a concentration area referred to as Civil Procedural Law, with two research lines:

Line 1: The Process as an Instrument for the Protection of Citizenship and Human/Fundamental Rights

This research line addresses Procedural, Constitutional and Civil Law, as essential and relevant elements for the protection and enhancement of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights. The objective of the research is to analyze the reflections of procedural science in guaranteeing the realization of rights, aiming at a minimum existential, dignified condition, especially at the individual level, having as its central objective the purpose of obtaining, in a Democratic State of Law, the real exercise of the constitutionally foreseen and guaranteed potentialities. Therefore, the protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Rights, which is the central point of the approach, is not limited only to the rights of each individual, but also those of a social nature, always having the Federal Constitution and its social commitment as a guide. Projects that aim at the execution of broader policies, using procedural protection, must have as their ultimate purpose the real and effective guarantee of constitutional rights, whether the minimum, or those that aim at the well-being of society as a whole. The recognition and execution of commands of a constitutional procedural nature, even those that guarantee the essential levels of Law, are the object of this line of research.

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Line 2: Jurisdictional and Non-Jurisdictional Instruments and Good Practices for Conflict Resolution and Protection of Rights

This line aims to investigate the civil process in its instrumentality as a means of effecting individual and collective guardianships in legal business relationships, through jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional procedures for the resolution of conflicts and protection of rights. The focus of this line of research is to provide academic training for dealing with the complex task of preventing, managing and resolving conflicts, with the aim of expanding the operative field of peaceful resolutions in the various spheres of society, disseminating the culture of peace and the dialogue between people, analyzing pre-procedural and endo-procedural mechanisms, through methods, techniques, technologies and own procedures, with support in national and international systems on the subject.

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Master’s Degree in Procedural Law & Citizenship

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