Professional Master’s Degree in Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Basic Health Care

12 vacancies (master's degree)

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Legal Status - Master's Degree

Master’s Degree Course recommended by CAPES and accredited according to MEC Ordinance No. 609 dated March 14, 2019, published on the Fed. Off. Gazette No. 52 - Section 1, pages 63 and 119 on March 18, 2019.

The Professional Master’s Degree in Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Basic Health Care created in 2015 is an innovative proposal from Universidade Paranaense for the professionals in health and correlated areas. In addition, the program has the purpose of training professionals with knowledge and skills to implement local productive arrangements related to the National Policy of Integrative and Complementary Practices of the Single Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS) regarding the National Policy on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine. The future graduates of the program must be able to solve problems in an innovative way, updating and broadening the technical and scientific knowledges acquired, with the purpose of contributing to the civil society, the productive sector, and mainly to the Public Health System regarding the use of Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicine. For such, the post-graduating students will have a diversified syllabus, with the development of practical works executed both in the labs and on the field, as well as extracurricular activities. They shall also have the opportunity to exercise their critical and creative spirit in search of knowledge and the solution of problems according to regional needs to expand the therapeutic options and improve the health care to the SUS users. Furthermore, they will favor the promotion of the sustainable use of the local biodiversity, the valuing and preservation of the knowledge of the traditional and indigenous communities, and the strengthening of the family farming in the regions in which they are inserted.



Set of actions connected to medicinal plants and herbal medicines, located within a territory, maintaining some level of articulation, interaction, cooperation, and learning among themselves and with the other local players (government, research, teaching, and credit institutions), aiming at training professionals to meet the demand of implementing the National Policy for Integrative and Complementary

Practices of the Single Health System regarding the National Policy on Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines.


Discounts Offered

  • Unipar Graduates - 25% (Graduate or Postgraduate)
  • Graduates from other institutions - 15% (Graduate or Postgraduate)

Program Evaluation Sheets by CAPES


Lidiane Nunes Barbosa

Lidiane Nunes Barbosa

H Index (Scopus): 13

Bolsista de Produtividade em Pesquisa do CNPq Nível 2

Professional Master’s Degree in Medicinal Plants and Herbal Medicines in Basic Health Care

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